The Red Orchestra
ENGLISH VERSION: Walk through Berlin for 33 suspenseful minutes experiencing the story of the legendary resistance group. /// DEUTSCHE FASSUNG: In 33 spannungsgeladenen Minuten erfahren Sie die Geschichte der legendären Widerstandsgruppe auf einem Spaziergang durch Berlin. /// VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA: Paseando por Berlín durante 33 minutos cargados de suspense usted podrá revivir la historia del legendario grupo de resistencia. --- Produziert von der Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Berlin und When 6 is 9 Productions GmbH --- Produced by the German Resistance Memorial Foundation, Berlin and When 6 is 9 Productions GmbH --- Producido por el Memorial de la Resistencia Alemana y When 6 is 9 Productions GmbH
The Red Orchestra
The Red Orchestra
Stefan Roloff
Walk through Berlin for 33 suspenseful minutes experiencing the story of the legendary resistance group.
The tour was recorded at the original locations in Berlin. The voices are from persons who had family members who were part of the resistance or suffered persecution.
Produced by the German Resistance Memorial Foundation, Berlin and When 6 is 9 Productions GmbH.